
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

I'm on a QUEST(ion)!

So I was tagged in a Question Thing by the lovely blogger Catherine, and, even though I'm bad at this kind of thing (I mean, everyone lies to make themselves sound cooler.  Yes, admit it.  But I'll try to be truthful at least 94% of the time.) I'll give it a go.

The Rules:
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you've tagged. 
4. Tag eleven bloggers, however, you can break the rules and tag fewer people if you want. Make sure you hyperlink their names/blogs.

5. Let them know you've tagged them!
6. Have fun!

1. What is your biggest fear and why?
I'm afraid of people ignoring me.  I have way too much to say for that too happen.  I might explode.

2. What are your plans for the future?
Go to college, get a well-paying job, get married, get rich, have 2.4 children and a dog, live in the suburbs with a white picket fence.

PSYCH!  Actually, I want to live on a mountain.  In a castle (with lots of secret passages) and mountains.  I like mountains.  And beyond that, I have no idea.

3. Do you prefer a nice stomach or a nice butt on the opposite sex?
When I first read this, I thought it meant actual stomach, like that they were good at eating, but I guess it means abs.  I say, I don't care. Just be nice overall.

4. What are your opinions on gay marriage? 
Very supportive. Very.

5. What do you think about Rebecca Black?
I think she doesn't deserve the fame she got when there are so many really good singers out there who could use that kind of well-known-ness.

6. How many pairs of heels do you own?
One, I think.  Maybe?  I don't like heels, even though I'm only 5'2".

7. Share the experience of your first kiss.
Kind of weird.  Let's leave it at that.

8. List 3 things you like about yourself, and 3 things you don't like.
I like my nerdiness, awesomeness, and craziness.  I dislike my shortness, awkwardness, and craziness.

9. What is the worst pickup line you've ever heard? (check out my last post titled - Pickup lines at their worst, for ideas if your stuck)
I love looking up nerdy pickup lines, so I'm just going to list a few of those:
"If you were sine squared and I was cosine squared, together we'd be one."
"Let's do some math: add a bed, subtract the clothes, divide the legs, and hope you don't multiply."
"If I were an enzyme, I'd be a DNA helicase so I could unzip your genes."

10. How many hours a day or week do you spend blogging?
Each post takes me one or two hours, depending on how long it is and whether it comes with pictures.  And I post once, maybe twice a week,

11. Would you rather have eternal health, wealth or love? Explain.
Not health, because then I'd sit there and watch all my friends die around me.  Love might be cool, I guess.  Saying wealth would make me sound all greedy-like, but I'm torn between love and wealth.  How about I have a bit of each?

Okay, now I tag people.  Whoopee!
Quirky Screamage-ism, and such
An Abundance of Rambling
[I Am Unimaginative]
Defenestrated Feet
Tangential Bemusings
Peace. Love. Rock n Roll. Various Other Things

My Questions for You Guys are the Following:
1) What is your favorite smell?
2) Who would win in a fight: Neil Patrick Harris or Darren Criss?
3) Tell us a nerdy joke.
4) Describe a situation in which socks and sandals would be acceptable footwear.
5) How will you ever get out of this labyrinth?
6) What food would you like to have growing on a tree in your backyard?
7) Compose a poem describing the nature of a stubbed toe at 3 AM.
8) What is a quark?
9) What is the best way to eat an Oreo?
10) Feelings about Kony 2012?
11) What would you do with a superpower that allowed you to use your toes as fingers?


  1. Hey! Thanks for the tag! I don't tend to make posts out of these passy-on-thingies, but I'll happily answer your questions here! :D

    1) What is your favorite smell?
    New books, new clothes, and ozone.

    2) Who would win in a fight: Neil Patrick Harris or Darren Criss?
    Darren Criss by virtue of his wizard magic. Duh.

    3) Tell us a nerdy joke.
    Two chemists walk into a bar.
    The first says, "Bartender! One glass of H2O!"
    The second says, "I'll have some H2O too."
    The second chemist dies.

    4) Describe a situation in which socks and sandals would be acceptable footwear.
    Blisters! 'Nough said.

    5) How will you ever get out of this labyrinth?
    Turn left whenever possible.

    6) What food would you like to have growing on a tree in your backyard?
    Fettuccine fruit, Caesar-dressed leaves and Alfredo flowers. =)

    7) Compose a poem describing the nature of a stubbed toe at 3 AM.
    Oh, blasted table!
    Placed mistaken in darkness
    one foot to the right.

    8) What is a quark?
    Half of a meson and one-third of a baryon.

    9) What is the best way to eat an Oreo?
    Step 1: Acquire three golden oreos
    Step 2: Twist and eat one cookie half from each
    Step 3: Eat as much cookie out from under two of them without touching the filling
    Step 4: Scrape the filling from these two cookies off and onto the last one. Eat the empty cookies.
    Step 5: Eat the final, icing-covered cookie... and savor it!

    10) Feelings about Kony 2012?
    I haven't actually watched the video. I've read a lot about it, and opinions both for and against. So while I don't really have a solid opinion on it, I find the whole circumstance very interesting.

    11) What would you do with a superpower that allowed you to use your toes as fingers?
    Draw blog pictures and eat fruit salad simultaneously! :D


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Violets are blue
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