
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The problem with feminism

I'm all for women's rights.  But the hard-core feminists both annoy me and confuse me.  Consider the following:
(yes, you did just say that like the voice from Bill Nye videos, didn't you?)

Girl: I'm making my boyfriend a sandwich!
Feminist: OH MY GOODNESS.  Do you see what you're doing?  You're sending the feminist movement right back into the 1950s!  You're making your boyfriend a sandwich?  Why is it your job?  Can't your boyfriend make himself a sandwich?  Does he have total control over you?  You're a disgrace to the female gender!


Girl: My boyfriend is making me a sandwich!
Feminist: OH MY GOODNESS.  Do you see what you're doing?  You're sending the feminist movement right back into the 1950s!  You're letting your boyfriend make you a sandwich?  Why is it his job?  Can't you make yourself a sandwich?  Does he have total control over you?  You're a disgrace to the female gender!

My friends, do we see a flaw here?  Niceness is has apparently become sexist.  How about, instead of thinking about how horrible making sandwiches for the opposite gender is, we think about solving global problems?

One last thought that I found really cool (It's actually a quote (by that I mean paraphrase) from a Muslim philosopher, how about that?)
"God didn't take Eve from Adam's feet, or his head.  God took her from his rib.  That's because God didn't want Eve to kneel at his feet, or be superior, but for them to stand side by side as equals."


  1. That is a badass line. I'm with you, all for women's rights, but some feminists do the cause more harm than good.

  2. Normally, law of the land as well as religions, give rights and obligation for both genders.
    However,Islam is very specific about the rights of the women as well as their obligations towards men and vice versa.
    Feminism is practised by women of no creed or who don't trust legislated statutes.

    Please***** VISIT my blog


  3. I really hate feminists and totally agree with you!

    Plus that is a lovely quote :)

  4. hahaha soo true, something are done out of love, not out of @male domination
    loved the post, very thoughtful:)

  5. So true, dude.

    And when guys do things for girls, no one says anything.
    My guy friends carry my textbooks around all the time.
    But if I do something for any of THEM, I'm automatically their bitch?

    Friends do favors for other friends. Simple as that.
    If everyone started refusing to help one another because their egos couldn't handle it, then the world would be an awful, awful place...

  6. Yep, feminists are definitely confusing. What's wrong with being nice?! D:

  7. Over the top feminism is so annoying, being nice IS a good thing. And so are bras... don't burn them.


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