
Saturday, June 30, 2012

I don't sleep very well on vacation

Because my sister is an octopus.

We are, more often than not, forced to share a bed. And by octopus, I mean flailing tentacles kind of thing.
Here is a picture of a fair bed arrangement. An ideal arrangement, of course, would be that I get the whole bed and she can sleep on the floor or something. But this diagram is what I consider fair sharing of our bed resources.

However, that is not the case. Next, I enclose a picture of the actual sleeping arrangement. See if you can guess which one is me.

Can you tell why I don't sleep well?

In other news, I got a blogger app on my phone. So if this post is messed up, that's why. Not because I'm incompetent. Don't blame me!

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I cleaned out my backpack today

My mom always nags me about how heavy my backpack is, and I always insist that I need everything that's in it.  Well, since school's over tomorrow, I cleaned it out today.  Here's what I found.  You can tell me if you think I really need it all, but I swear: it's all necessary.

Things I Found In My Backpack (Besides, you know, actual schoolwork and things)

  • 2 books (I, Lucifer and Virals)
  • 1 planner (unused since February)
  • 3 Rubik's cubes (one normal, one from the Mathworks, one hell cube)
  • 1 Book Sock (cupcake design)
  • 1 HUGE binder clip (like three inches wide)
  • 10 erasable gel pens (my favorite things in the world)
  • 1 bottle of White-Out
  • 2 calculators (scientific and graphing)
  • 2 zombie finger puppets (necessary-I swear)
  • 1 school ID card (squashed beneath my math textbook)
  • 1 Vera Bradley change purse
  • 1 yellow highlighter
  • 1 silver Sharpie
  • 1 dinosaur rubber ducky (Again, this was completely necessary to carry to school every day)
  • 18 buttons (like the pin type that I stick on my backpack)
  • 2 CDs
  • 1 DVD (thankfully in a case)
  • Approximately 400 vocab notecards (I didn't count, sorry)
  • 5 chopsticks (not sure where the 5th one's partner went)
  • 1 tube of body lotion (made everything in my backpack smell like pomegranate)
  • 1 hairbrush
  • 2 necklaces
You never know when you might need these things, okay?  I like to be prepared!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Puppy-Dog Eyes

They say that telemarketers have one of the worst jobs, because your self-esteem levels plunge when you get constantly rejected.  My friend says (no citation for this fact) that the companies make them play "games" where they have to click on smiley faces to try to raise self-esteem and positive attitude.

Doesn't sound like much fun.

I'm getting my own little taste of telemarketing.  For my history project, we have to fix a global issue.  My group chose malnutrition, so in addition to writing papers and making a presentation, we have to raise money for a charity related to our issue.  So I have to go around school all week, shaking my money collection jar in peoples’ faces and begging them to donate to the malnourished children.

I guess I look sorta like this:

My friends tell me I’d be a good salesperson, because whenever someone asks about it, I can go on and on telling them all the horrifying statistics and how, if they donate just 75 cents, that’s enough money to buy nutrient supplements to increase a child’s lifespan by an entire year.  ( I could go on, but I don't want to scare you away.)

There are plenty of people who are quite generous, and plenty of people who say no.  Most people feel guilty saying “no,” though, so they say something like “I don’t have any money with me.”  Which could be true.  I don’t judge.

It was actually hilarious, though, when I asked one teacher, “would you like to donate some spare change to help malnourished children?”  He simply said “No, thanks” and walked away.  I sorta stood there, a bit shocked, because no one had said “no.”  Everyone just said that they didn’t have money or that they’d already donated to someone else.  I wasn’t offended, I just found it amusing how direct he was.

Also, my group put up flyers to advertise our issue.  Everyone else put their flyers on the designated flyer boards.  We put them everywhere: the backs of Exit signs, on the ceilings, in bathroom stalls.  Why?  Because malnutrition doesn’t follow the rules, either!  (I just made that up, but it sounds good, right?  Mostly, we just wanted to be rebels.)

Over and out.  Oh, and if you want to donate to the malnourished children, I strongly encourage it.  Just send me a blank check and I’ll make sure it’s all in order.  Don't worry about a thing.
(Seriously, though.  If you’re interested, I recommend looking at Helen Keller International, which is the charity we’re supporting.)